Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Damp And Cold

Damp and cold
Fall rains unfold
Against her ancient glass

The droplets dance
Try to romance
Old clapboards, plaster, lathe

Lace curtains long
For field winds' song
Now barred by cold wet days

Old house and I
Steam tea, slice pie
And welcome Falls' embrace 
(Ponderings by Isabella 9/2011)


TheCrankyCrow said...

That is absolutely beautiful my friend!! :o) Smiles & Kindred Hugs ~ Robin

BumbleBeeLane said...

Lovely..Warm tea sounds wonderful.Cold and rainy here too.I don't mind at all,loving the cooler weather.Warm Blessings!~Amy

Woman Seeking Center said...

Thank you Robin! :-)
Sending kindred hugs in return, upon ravens' wing!


Amy I agree, the cool weather is welcome!
It's been mostly cool and rainy here all summer. I'm far more contented with the cool and rain filled days now, lol because it's Falls' reign

All summer the rain and cool (with just a handful of searingly hot days) vexed me. Thankful tho I was for the rain, I missed my sunny weeks to potter about outside, gardens and projects. Even line drying laundry was oft times thwarted April-August :-) But Fall, ah she is made for tea, and pie and me!
Blessings & warm tea :-)