Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lookey What I Found! LOL

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Found in
At Big Red Barn
Is there anything as neat as seeking, 'pouncing' (lol) and bringing home neat finds? I say not too much is better than that adventure :-) 

These are some newly found finds - they're going up for grabs because I need to buy paint for the old girl - a LOT of paint. Oh my. A bazillion gallons it seems, lol

One is a three part cake carrier - old metal/tin.  I've never seen one with three parts. It has the expected bottom caker and the top cover. The unusual piece is the third bottom piece. Almost like a washbasin, or shorter version of the top cover.  Anyone know what that was used for?

Another find is s sweet inside birdhouse! Each of the four sides painted differently and the roof is all buttons and beads - sooooooooo cute!
*all finds decorative and non-child-use*

So there will be things finding their way from here, there, and everywhere for evaluation in the ancient Big Red Barn. If found worthy of love (and a little work to bring them back sometimes) I'll put them up for seeking/finding/claiming in the Big Red Barn Flickr shop (click on barn pic on the right of blog).

Old house and I thank you for helping us afford a new 'paint-dress' for her.
(and yes I AM doing the painting - certifes me as wack-a-doodle for sure, lol)

**Info, FAQ on how to bring Big Red Barn pieces into YOUR home/decor on the tab at top of blog)

$8.99 plus exact shipping!
(tax if applicable)
Found in KITCHEN
on Big Red Barn Flickr

New Finds ~ Woot!

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