Wednesday, April 3, 2013

She Wondered

When she was eight, she'd wander down to the barn
And under the Summer sky she wondered
Of which is there more.....
Happy or Sad?
When she was twelve, she wondered
Of which is there more
Challenge or Ease?
When she was sixteen she wondered
Of which is there more
Pleasure or pain?
When she was twenty she wondered
Which was stronger....
Cruelty or kindness?
At thirty, she wondered (often)
Which was rewarded....
Honor or deceit?
At forty, she pondered
The meaning of life
The paths she'd chosen
(and the ones she hadn't)
By fifty she wondered
How she's arrived
Where she found herself
By sixty, seventy and eighty
Her hair grey, her stature shortened
Her heart weary ~ but full ~
She now spent her days knowing
There were no right nor wrong answers
No correct paths
No love unworthy of the pain of loss
No challenge unworthy of effort
She smiled to herself as she realized
She'd had all the answers at eight
There are happy days
There are sad days
There is it turned out
(all wondering aside)
Just the living of your life...
(Text by Issy Copyright 2013)


gracie said...

Once again I love your these words.

Kim said...

This is so beautiful.

thefarmfiles said...

So lovely. How wonderful that you are willing to share yourself through poetry/writing. I'm so glad you do.

Hope you're having a nice week.

hart said...

Great Poem! I will share it with my daughter who is going through 'what shall I do with the rest of my life?'--hart

Florida Farm Girl said...

How lovely, dear Issy.

Mental P Mama said...

So, so true. And beautiful.

Woman Seeking Center said...

I an so touched, so appreciative. I want to thank each of you for your wonderful heartfelt comments....

I so often struggle, so frequently hesitate to 'soul-write' here. Pages such as this well up in my mind, demanding to be written. For most of my writing life they've gone directly into paper journal pages. I waver over placing them here too often (more times than not from self-consciousness. Or the thought that such rambling prose may not be of interest).

Reading your comments, feeling your encouragement on this (and other entries of this kind) I promise to share more of these here with you :-)

Again, thank you all - so much...
I treasure each of you for taking the time to stroll thru these words of mine and then spending more of your time and effort to comment so heartwarmingly!

Hugs, Issy