Saturday, April 28, 2012

If April Showers Bring May Flowers....

What will a massive painful April Snowstorm bring?
The damage was unavoidable as mother nature had lured
the unsuspecting blooms to embrace the oh-so-early
warmth and sun...

Branches and blooms fell prey to the snow and wind.
Despite my hours spent shaking limbs free from snow
Despite my efforts in the aid of my rooted friends
some were, despite all assistance, harmed.

I choose to think they'd have been harmed more had I
not done what I could ~ but 'tis heartbreaking still to witness
the joy of Spring set back by Winters' willfulness.
Difficult to see times' growth undone
With a wrenting tear none can repair...

Yet Spring, Winter, Trees of Pink (and I)
know Spring will have the last word

As they say in my beloved New England
Spring comes
"wicked slow"
to some parts of the land...


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