Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Thanksgiving Eve 2020

 "We make a living by what we get, 

  We make a life by what we give."

 Winston Churchill



It is not an easy time to be alive....
Life is strange
The world is strange
The future? Largely unknown.
Separate, yet bound together 
We all travel thru these days
These heartaches
These fears and frustrations
I believe Churchill 
We each strive our best to survive
But warmth, hope and humanity
The best of life comes from
What we give....
Not only food, money, gifts, clothing
But equally important are:
A text
A phone call
An email
Perhaps a card sent to a lonely mailbox
Or a little tiny effort - a kind word or a wave hello.
A smile (you can see smiling eyes over a mask if you look closely).
A thank you
A how are you? (then really listen to the answer)...
Funny thing happened this week
I received a bill from a local service provider 
and on the back of the envelope
was a tiny little sticker, a circle of flowers that said, simply
"thank you"
 I found myself a bit overwhelmed by how very much
that tiny very thoughtful human touch
meant to me. 
I'll be calling the office of that business to tell them just that.
Perhaps one of the painfully wonderful lessons
taught by this no-good-very-bad-heart-wrenching covid-19
is how little it takes to make a difference.
How very very very much small kindness can matter.

Little acts of caring that we seem to have forsaken, 
that we have forgotten to value in the way we should.
So easy, so simple, mostly costing nothing 
but a little thought and a small effort.
So on this eve of Thanksgiving
Be mindful of what you may be lucky to have
Be thoughtful of what you, what other have lost
And if you are able and willing
Try to do something to help this beleaguered world
If you can, commit some small, tiny, human, act of kindness.

And I hope someone will do the same for you....

*If you'd like to share a kindness given or received in the comments I'd love that*



TheCrankyCrow said...

Kindnesses Received: An email every now and again checking in on me from a dear, sweet, blogger friend whom I have never met, but who touches my soul and hears my heart. <3 Happy Belated Thanksgiving Sweet Issy. ~Robin~

Woman Seeking Center said...

Ah my dear friend!

I do believe we are tethered by some version of karma - being so connected as we are...

Thank you for counting me as a kindness!
But truth be told, it it I who count YOU as the kindness given to my world!
