Saturday, August 15, 2020

Warped, Strange, Insane (you know, worse than my normal baseline lol


This is the peculiar sort of humor that evolves into full laugh out loud mode

in my warped strange  pandemic lockdown mind whilst pondering the possibility insanity '

improbability of any future home projects......   :-)


TheCrankyCrow said...

Ha ha!! That will go very nicely with my sink that pours white wine from the cold handle and red from the hot. ;-) Sunday Blessings ~Robin~

Woman Seeking Center said...

Ah yes! Those magical faucets above your beautiful sink! The very sink that will, of course, hold a lovely container of delicately diminutive ice cubes?(perfect ice size for wine flutes) as needed for the wine - red faucet, white faucet or both for rose'! roflmao....

*I thought of you dear crow and your 'when we remodeled' adventure/blog posts as I enlivened this post* :-)